Barbershop Blog


January 12, 2022

The mullet hairstyle and all of its modern day variations has never been as popular as it is in the present day. We have seen the comeback of the mullet go from strength to strength and this popularity has caused a stir in some unexpected places. Try sending your boys to a number of Sydney schools with a fresh faded mullet this year and you’ll know exactly what we’re talking about.

New Age Mullet Hairstyle For Boys - Barber Industries RoselandsNew Age Mullet Hairstyle For Boys - Barber Industries RoselandsNew Age Mullet Hairstyle For Boys - Barber Industries Roselands

The mullet has made a monumental comeback in recent times and there are new adaptions and tweaks to this hairstyle taking place all of the time. It has been trending for some time however the popularity just keeps on gaining. As a barber this is exciting, taking part in the evolution and progression of a hairstyle is an interesting facet of the trade. There are some really radical adaptions and also some really stylish, contemporary and cool looks too.

The trouble with this resurgence in popularity is that the mullet has ruffled the feathers of a few old ducks around the education system and this has led to a number of schools banning the Aussie icon.

Modern Mullet Hairstyle For Boys
The Traditional Mullet - More Popular Than Ever.

"Australia Bans The Mullet"

That was the curious heading that we came across online, we raised an eyebrow and with a little research we discovered that schools across the country were outlawing the mullet hairstyle.

According to an article in the The Daily Telegraph, deputy principal Patrick Brennan of Waverley College in Sydney's East said:

"The 'mullet' haircut trending at present is not acceptable and students will be directed to the local barber or their preferred hair stylist to rectify any issues.”

Over at the Trinity College in Perth the old mullet has also earned some reference in the school policy which states

“Hairstyles should be of a conservative nature. Students are not permitted to have mullets, rat tails, top knots, mohawks, extra-long fringes, or any other non-conventional style cuts.”

The Australian Islamic College of Sydney has a very detailed hair policy for boys and although it permits lengths cut down to a number one guard, it still rules out the preferred zero fade styles that are popular right now. Cleverly, they take no chances by closing out the policy with

The acceptability of any hairstyle is at the discretion of the Principal, Deputy Principal or their nominated staff member”

So it seems the old Aussie icon is coming up against some stiff opposition within the institutions of the nation, can’t help but wonder which side of wrangle will come out on top?