Barbershop Blog


September 21, 2022

We are a brand that is steeped in tradition and rich in history. In this article we are going to take a quick look back in time at the influences of our brand and how we have created a modern day delivery from the age old craft, time honoured techniques and classical barbershop cultures of periods passed by.

Barber chairs ready for customers at Barber Industries Westfield Carousel

Here at Barber Industries Westfield Carousel we have created a prestige yet approachable space for barbering.

It is a blending of the traditions, aesthetics and nostalgia of the old world barbershop with the modern comforts of today’s world.

It is a concept that blends hair, face and beard treatments into a masculine haven for the modern day man and his family. But where did all the influence come from? Let’s scroll back the years and take a look.

The pinnacle point in time for the barbershop is referred to as the ‘Golden Age Of Barbering’ and  it was a period starting around the turn of the 20th century. Barbershops were decorated with plaster ceilings, timber floors and ornate furnishings. It was a time when the barber’s services were in peak demand and the barbershop was the social centrepiece in many towns.

We claim to be ‘bringing back the traditional barbershop vibe’ as there was a long period of time where the popularity of the barbershop wained. The role of the barber was being hijacked by hairdressers, distorted and muddled with salons and the barbershop seemed to be dying a slow and drawn out death. 

This was due to a culmination of things but primarily the emergence of the safety razor, the impact of two world wars, the great depression and the line between salon and barbershop becoming completely blurred.

Today the barbershop’s popularity has been rekindled as men seek a more polarised version of male grooming. They want to experience that forgotten culture and yearn for a range of services that are tailored specifically to their needs. They want a beard line up and trim, a cut throat shave, the custom, culture and traditions from that golden age of barbering. That is what we deliver and that is why you should come visit us. We are open seven days a week at shop 1034 Westfield Carousel.

Barber Industries Westfield Carousel