Barbershop Blog


July 20, 2021

As parents, we all wish for our micro men to remain forever adorable, however, there comes a time when we need to relinquish control of their hairstyles and let them loose to choose their own adventure. Their choices are likely to be wildly different from ours and it’s important to remember that this is a big step for the both of you. As a parent you’re wanting to react to his haircut with an ‘’nawwww adorable’ when that could potentially be more of a gasp or OMG.

Spiderweb pattern on toddlers hairstyleSpiderweb pattern on toddlers hairstylepattern and color on toddlers hairstylepattern and color on toddlers hairstyle
Little Men / Big Decisions

Our little fellas have very different concepts to adults and they are not particularly concerned with trying to conform to the usual constructs of society. This quickly becomes evident when they are given the freedom to choose their own hairstyle. 

We as parents need to let go of our stereotypical ideas about what a young boy should look like. We should trust in them and hope to one day see their decisions taking place in the bigger world. Letting them choose their own haircuts is a huge step for the both of you and should be celebrated because it's something new that they're doing on their own.

One thing is for sure and that is: when given the opportunity, they know how to keep it fun and rarely hold back. It is not uncommon for them to go straight down the path of spikes, patterns and paint.


The young blokes love 'em; it's a hairstyle that's a little punk rock and has held popular since the 80's, well, ever since the invention of moose and hair gel. Spikes are cool and this is a hairstyle that can easily be combed into a church worthy adaption if necessary. 


Stars, stripes, lightening bolts, spiderwebs or a Batman symbol. These are some of the most popular patterns that are requested to be cut into the hair of little boys these days.


The temporary spray on color is becoming popular with the really young ones and adds an extra special touch and some wow to any haircut. This is the one that causes the most gasps and OMG moments, however it is best not to overreact as the color quickly washes out. 

The Journey

We all have to grow up some day, but in the meantime the young boys should be entitled to the journey and that is something that is important to remember as parents. We should take our cues from them and when they are wanting more than just a trim, let them choose their own adventure and walk on their own path.