Barbershop Blog


June 15, 2022

Male hair loss is one of those issues that can provide a psychological blow to the best of men. Looking in the mirror can become a constant reminder that the glory days of a man’s youth are gone and that he is getting old. The focus of today’s article is to help these blokes triumph over their hair loss and age with their dignity intact.

Head Shave At Barber Industries Tuggerah

Determining The Cause And Curing Men’s Hair Loss

The first bridge to cross in this journey is to try and figure out what is causing the hair loss in the first place. Balding in some men is hereditary but in many instances it is actually caused by a whole range of other reasons.

There are some very complex origins like disease and infection and also some very simple ones too. Cancer treatments, thyroid disease, scalp infections and some immune diseases can all cause hair loss.

It can also be be from something as simple as an inadequate diet where the body lacks enough iron, zinc or protein.

The one thing that most of the causes have in common is the difficulty in diagnosis, a man should seek professional help from his doctor to properly establish the cause of his hair loss and then hopefully find an appropriate cure too.

Hair Styling To Conceal And Minimise The Appearance Of Balding 

After the doctor the next person in line to seek assistance from is your barber. After all, they’ve seen it a thousand times over and are well rehearsed in how to combat balding and help a man age with his dignity intact.

If your hair is thinning but you don’t have a large bald spot, there are hairstyles that can help to conceal this. A style worn forward like a caesar cut will cover a receding hairline.

For those with larger bald spots, a general rule is the shorter the haircut, the less visible the signs of hair loss. 

Short Buzz Cut For Balding Man

Often the best result is achieved by going with the flow, embracing the change and shaving everything off. Get in and talk to our team of master barbers here at Barber Industries Westfield Tuggerah for a hot lather head shave like none other.

Hot Lather Head Shave

Shift The Focus By Growing Facial Hair Instead

For those men who are without a cure and are not into hair transplants or a toupee, a goatee, moustache or beard can be great way of directing focus from your balding head to your face. The facial hair provides a balancing effect and the good news is that men who are genetically more predisposed to balding are equally likely to be able to grow thick and impressive beards.

Shaved Head With Beard