Barbershop Blog


January 19, 2024
As we approach the new school year it is time to ‘try’ to get the lads off the beach for long enough to get them in for a fresh crop here at the new Barber Industries Barbershop in Mona Vale. Grommets can be funny little creatures and it can be hard to understand their style, language or most of their behaviour. So, after a little research, we have pulled together a quick guide to some modern trends in grommet hairstyle choices. Hopefully we can help our more refined readers to better understand what’s trending when it comes to the hairstyle choices amongst the grommet community.
Sharky Hairstyle For Boys Mona Vale Sydney

First up,

let’s just clarify for anyone who’s reading and doesn’t know that they may have a grommet living under their roof at home.

Grommet: noun, plural gromm·ets

1. Australian coastal slang for a young person. Often referred to as 'grommies' or just 'groms' – these creatures congregate around the beach and are often found developing their surf skills amongst the waves.

There is no ill-meaning behind the term, however it is more typically used when describing the mischief, annoying or difficult behaviour of these sandy little monsters.

Example: The grommets rubbed bath soap onto the wax of the visitors stand up paddle board.

What are the current hairstyle trends in grommet culture and what to ask the barber.

Salty Sun Bleached Locks

Long salt encrusted and sun bleached locks have long been a staple hairstyle for the average grommet. These days however that is sometimes too cliche for the little critters and they opt for something truly radical.

Those lads who do keep their hair long obviously don’t need a regular cut here at the barbershop. They will however love our wide range of styling products like sea salt spray and grooming spray.

With these they can keep their hair looking like they have just got out of the surf, even when they haven’t, an easy way of keeping up appearances at school or for impressing the young ladies.

Surfer Boy With Curly Blonde hair

Mullet With Skin Fade

Not usually mum and dads cup of tea but the mullet is in vogue big time and it is a regular request here at the barbershop. We see many variations both long and short and if there is a trending grommet hairstyle for 2024, it is a mullet of some kind with a skin fade on the sides. There are some seriously rogue variations and to keep these styles looking wild we recommend a texturising styling powder.

Boy With long Mullet Hairstyle

Fauxhawk AKA Sharky

Another rebellious style that is in frequent demand is the fauxhawk or ‘sharky’ hairstyle. This is somewhat like a mohawk however it is more tapered throughout. The addition of some custom pattern work or razor lines makes it more unique and tailored for the individual.

Surfer Boy - Fauxhawk or Sharky Hairstyle For Boys

And that’s a wrap for this article, those are the trends that we are are seeing with the grommets and what’s being requesting here at the barbershop. Get your lads in before school school starts back for one of these trendy styles or maybe something you had in mind yourself :)